About style

Wanna be unique? One and only? Not just different than others, but to really stand out! Yes? Ok, if that's your goal, let me give you some advice that will help you achieve that.
1. Never wear stuff just because they are ultimate fashion must-have. The clothes should underline and follow your personality, not the other way around.
2. You should always be aware of the complete impression you are making with your appearance.
The trick is to mix and match things harmoniously, and to create some recognizable signiture (for example, with the choice of adequate accessories).
3. Having style, is about having sense and knowledge, of DOES AND DONT'S. Some clothes looks good on us, some don't. Knowing the difference between those two, is the main distinction of a uniquely stylish person.
4. Always remember, the most important fact about style is: DO NOT OVERDO IT! The point is to look casual, spontaneous, and not like you put too much effort in it.
5. And of course, always try to have some piece of clothes, that nobody else has. It doesn't have to be anything expencive, but it does have to be original. For example, hand painted T-shirt, dress, scarf...you name it, made just for you. Feel free to contact me for it :)

(In this picture, silk dress, designed by me.)

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